Please see below some useful information on the COVID-19 and financial planning.
Furloughed Employees
Owner Managers/Director Clients and the Job Retention Scheme
FCA Guidance on Pensions Advice: Covid-19
Gifting wealth
Funding ISAs
Please find below a summary of the latest thinking on pension contributions and revised patterns of income. Many of your clients and/or their family members/friends will be impacted by the recent government announcements and their pension provision is an important part of their employment package. Below is a brief summary of the key pension points and some additional clarification on individuals that have been furloughed.
Furloughed Employees
For employers that are furloughing their employees
They can claim up to £2,500 per month in salary for each furloughed employee.
There is a ceiling of 80% of the employees’ salary as at February 2020.