What to Look for When Taking Out Locum Insurance

As a medical professional, you are very aware of the plethora of the related expenses and intricacies of enlisting the services of a Locum Doctor to cover key absences in your Practice. Whether such absences involve GPs or Practice Managers, they can often be unexpected and unplanned for due to accidents, bereavements, or illnesses. Otherwise, anticipated absences such as adoptions, Jury Service and maternity and paternity leave allow you the time and resources to secure suitable absence cover, yet still entail hefty price tags.
Locum Insurance cover will typically include:
- Deferred period on accident claims reimbursed
- Jury Service Cover
- GP Suspension Cover
- Family Illness cover
- Maternity leave single benefit
- Adoption and paternity leave covered
- Worldwide Accident and Sickness
Whatever your particular extenuating circumstances are, the show simply must go on in the medical world, where peoples’ health and lives are at risk and your work is literally a matter of life or death. However, on the flip side of the coin, your Practice is a business, too. It is not only a likelihood, but an outright certainty, that you may have already used a Locum Doctor to cover previous absences and that you will again in the present or future recall the services of the same or a different Doctor.
Financial safety net
Locum insurance policies are the financial safety nets that you can fall back on. They offer you tailor made reimbursements for both expected and unexpected key person absences. There are various different policy types around, but the superior ones on the market offer bespoke cover at both individual and Practice level. Furthermore, they offer you bulk buying power for the inclusion of more than three people, they do not penalise individuals because of their ages, genders or smoker statuses and they do not require Locum Doctor receipts for the wheels to be set in motion.
Always shop around for the best deal
In essence, the locum plan you should look out for will not only talk your talk, but walk your walk. Sector specific insurance services are well versed in the needs for deferral reflective of the Partnership Agreement. If your insurance provider is not, and deals generically across the board of most business types, you are well advised to browse elsewhere towards expert providers who understand your Practice and its needs. Additionally if you have a larger practice it is well placed to receive a discount on the cost of insurance if you opt for a group plan.