Why should I use a mortgage broker?

The main reason most people use a mortgage broker is that they take out most of the leg work of looking for a mortgage. They will search the market and compare the different deals that are available to you. A mortgage broker will not only look at interest rates, but also other charges such as valuation fees, which could affect the overall cost of your mortgage.
When a mortgage broker makes a product recommendation to a client, they give financial advice, meaning that mortgage brokers must have qualifications in order to operate. They also have a duty of care to their clients, to give the best and suitable advice available.
Some more experienced mortgage advisers could also have contacts at different banks and building societies, this may help to ensure your mortgage application is processed efficiently. They will also have access to ‘broker only’ deals.
Mortgage brokers are also ‘experts’ in their field, meaning they are able to ensure you get a mortgage that is suitable for your needs. For example, if affordability is your main concern, advisers may know which lenders take certain expenditures into consideration during your affordability assessment (including childcare costs and pension contributions).
If you are choosing to use a mortgage broker, make sure you ask for recommendations from friends and family and check the internet for reviews.
At Approachable Finance we offer independent mortgage advice, tailored specifically to your personal requirements. You can either call us on 01535 632051 or pop into our office; 24 Main Street, Cross Hills, Keighley, BD20 8TF.
Kind regards,
Chris Dixon BSc (Hons) Dip PFS
Director of Approachable Finance